“Social networking has changed the meaning of words for a generation of users. To say that you’ve ”friended” someone doesn’t mean they’re really your friend, or that ”liking” something means you really like it, it just means you’re online. Artist Grace Kingston has relaunched herself as a living offline avatar and her exhibition Grace + (daily until June 8, 11am-7pm, Grace +, 28 King Street, Newtown, gracekingston.com) attempts to bring the social network back into the real world. Visitors to the Grace + pop-up gallery can meet the artist, mix with her friends, share likes and dislikes and perhaps even take photos, leave comments or hook up. Kingston’s parodic take on the social network is humorous and revealing. Like.”

–  Andrew Frost: Jun 01, 2012 

You can view the original publication in The Age.