A New Book by LEA Cloud and Molecular Aesthetics published on the new platform Contemporary Art and Cultures. Thanks to OCRThe MIT Press, andMIT Media Lab. The volume –here– is edited by Lanfranco Aceti, Paul Thomas, and Edward Colless.

The Aesthetic Paradoxes of Visualizing the Networked Image: 

Dr. Michael N. Goddard & Grace Kingston


This article considers the paradoxes of visualizing the networked image in the contexts of data mining and social media networks. In particular, it presents Grace Kingston’s project Here You Are as critically engaged with and participating in these data mining practices, along with the common social networking practices of check-ins and selfies, in order to emphasize social network users as bodies of data. This is situated within a larger context of global network surveillance and data extraction, which aim to visualize these highly visible, everyday activities as they are implicated in invisible circuits of data mining and control that extend well beyond the users’ self-perceptions and agency. As such, the project and the article aim to illuminate the noisy penumbra of the data clouds surrounding these practices in order to reveal this opaque circulation conducted in and through social networks. We present this paper as a dialogue, as this is intrinsic to its composition. Read the full article here


Social media, data mining, the stack, cloud, check-ins, selfies

Cloud and Molecular Aesthetics is an open access book by Leonardo Electronic Almanac edited by Lanfranco Aceti, Paul Thomas, and Edward Colless. It is published by MIT Press with the support of Operational and Curatorial Research (OCR) and Goldsmiths, University of London. (2017)

ISSN: 1071-4391
ISBN: 978-1-906897-62-8
Volume contributors: Lanfranco Aceti, Birgitte Aga, Edward Colless, Chris Cottrell, David Eastwood, Jane Grant and John Matthias, Jacquelene Drinkall, Darren Tofts and Lisa Gye, Patricia Flanagan, Jens Hauser, Michael Goddard and Grace Kingston,  Lindsay Kelley, Luke Hespanhol, Leon Marvell, Troy Innocent, Eugen Petcu and Rodica Ileana Miroiu, Pia Ednie-Brown and Jondi Keane, Simone Mandl and Petra Gemeinboeck, Paul Thomas, Mike Phillips, Mark Titmarsh, Tami Spector, Darren Tofts, Chris Speed, and Debra Swack.
With thanks to the team of editorial assistants at Leonardo Electronic Almanac: Candice Bancheri, Ashley Daugherty, and Michael Spicher.